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Sure, if you dont mind cleaning the pool after. Actually, it's not a wise idea if you ask me. You'd be bathing your dog in chlorine, leaves, bugs, unseen germs, maybe even pee. It wouldn't be very cleanly. You should try one of those small, plastic, inflatable pools. It would be much easier anyway. It would not only be unsanitary for the dog being in the pool and just think of all the crap a dog gets into and all that can accumulate on a dogs hair. The pet shampoo would not have a beneficial affect on the water, the chemistry and the filter. Would you swim in your own bath water? A very unsanitary and unhealthy idea. You run a good risk of getting sick especially if you could not quite get the sanitizer levels to those required to eliminate such things. It doesn't take much ya know if the chlorine levels are not what they should be.

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Q: Can you bathe a dog in a swimming pool?
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How does the great bath of indus valley differ from morden swiming pool?

The Great Bath is natural and does not have any chemicals in it and is safe to bathe in it. The swimming pool on the other had has a lot of chlorine and you cannot bathe in it but have to bathe after a swim. The modern day swimming pool is a derivative of the concept of the Great Bath. The Great bath showed a well water proofed tank.

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He drowned in a swimming pool

Is it harmful for your dog to drink chlorinated swimming pool water?

No, the chlorination will not harm the dog.

When can you bathe a dog?

You can bathe a dog anytime.

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Does a dog swimming in the pool reduce the pool's chlorine level?

Any one or thing swimming in the pool will reduce the amount of free chlorine available in the swimming pool. Dog hair body fats and other impurity's will take up free chlorine in the pool thereby reducing the amount of effective chlorine available. Dogs bring into the pool more contaminants than do humans for AA lot of various reasons.

What are the safety rules of swimming at school?

Swim in areas you are comfortable swimming in.Have a teacher/instructor/lifeguard at the pool area at all times.Only dive in areas you may dive.Swim safe; no pushing/shoving, etcetera.Take a shower before entering to pool for sanitation.Do not drink or bathe in the pool water; it has chlorine in it.Have fun!

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A hyperbole for swimming could be "My daughter swims like a fish."

What is swimming pool in English?

'Swimming Pool', sometimes shortened to 'Pool'.

Why does your dog stare into your swimming pool?

Dogs are basically wolves. There is nothing in their genetic makeup that has conditioned them to certain things like clear glistening water, moving without running (head out the car window) and so forth. Not sure about the above, but so long as your dog is either safely fenced off from going in the pool or wearing a dog life jacket for safety, there is no harm in staring into the pool. If a dog jumps into a pool with no dog life vest on, they can easily tire swimming and usually in a bid to get out. Always ensure your dog does not have free access to a swimming pool that has no shallow end with exit steps or make sure you always have your dog wearing a doggie life jacket when he's around the pool with access, as they prevent drowning.

Why was it important for the Romans to be hygienic?

Actually, the Romans DID NOT bathe to much, they though it would make them more likely to get a disease, in a way this was true; when Romans bathe they would go to a large bath, kind of like a swimming pool, to bathe as a community. So if they DID do this to often, it would make them have a higher risk of disease.

What is measurement and label of the swimming pool?

it depends on which swimming pool