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Yes, but not unless the marriage is annulled. If the woman was Catholic and married by a Justice of the Peace with no church involvement, then the nullity is straightforward; however if she was married in a Catholic service the nullity is a long process; and there is no guarantee of acceptance as her past history will be under scrutiny.

Roman Catholic AnswerIf you are asking what the question reads, then, no, you can not be accepted into the Catholic Church to be a nun - period. You can be accepted into the Catholic Church. After you have been a practicing Catholic for at least a year, you may discern a vocation to the religious life. If you have previously been married and divorced, that would have to be annulled as stated above, before you could proceed.
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Q: Can you be accepted into the Catholic church to be a nun if you were divorced?
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Widowed, yes, but the divorce concept is against the teaching of the Catholic church. Unless the divorce was allowed by the church, you may have a hard time to get into being a nun. Of course, there maybe certain exceptions to this, such as a difficult marriage ect, but this divorce should have been removed by the Church first before you can considering becoming a nun.

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Is it a huge sin to stop being a nun? Of the Roman Catholic Church? No. It is not a sin at all.

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A nun is not really a nun if she is not officially recognized by the Catholic Church as a member of a religious order or if she does not take religious vows. Additionally, a person who pretends to be a nun for personal gain or deception purposes is not truly a nun.

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Lay people are the members of the congregation who are not religious such as a priest, deacon or nun.

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Yes, Germany did have a draft during World War 2, but it wasn't avoided just by "going into the Catholic church". It was avoided by becoming a priest or nun in the Catholic church.

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