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YOu get workers comp medical benefits while you have med expanses attributed to a workplace injury. You get lost time WC benefits while unable to work at anything for income. Earn income and lost time benefits end.

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Related questions

Is workers comp nc only for medical or does it cover vehicle damages?

Answer is No workmens comp is only applicable to injuries sustained while on the job, damages to a vehicle are not part of workmens comp.

Can you still get workmens comp if you had drugs in your system?


What will happen if you leave the state while on workmens comp in California?

Contact the adjuster handling your case, they will surely know.

Do i need to file income taxes Workmens comp did not send you a1099?

Do i need to file income taxes ,workmens comp did not send me a 1099? I did not file last year 2007 because i asked workmens comp. for a 1099 they did not send i assumed i did not need to file. Can i file both years?

Can your job fire you if you are on workmens comp?

No they can't, if it has only to do with being on WC.

What is workmens comp?

A insurance provided by employers for injured employees. There is a provision in Texas law whereby an employer may elect not to purchase workmens' comp insurance. About 33% of Texas employers do not have WC insurance.

Can you still receive workmens comp after quiting?

It depends on the policy of your employer...I believe.

How may days do you have to be out of work before workmens comp pays you?

One week.

Where can I get more info on getting a workmens comp lawyer.?

You can find lawyers in the phone book that specialise in workmens comp cases.Also there are lawyer refferal offices.Can check with Better business buero to see if any complaints on lawyer.

Are self employed owners who have no employees required to have workmens comp insurance?

You are allowed up to three employees before you have to do workman's comp.

Can a person collect workmens comp and do work on the side?

yes, but if you get caught, you will lose the workman comp payments In other words, you can't do it legally.

I carry Workmen's comp for my employees but I also hire sub contracors when busy who do not have workmens comp. Is there a waver for them to sign that relieves me from taking out workmens comp on them?

Most states make you responsible for your subcontractors if they don't carry Comp. And forget waivers - they aren't worth the paper they're written on. One reason is that in no state can a worker sign away the rights of their minor children, who can sue until at least their 18th birthday. An often less expensive alternative for independent contractors is Occupational Accident and Contingent Liability. Contact your independent insurance agent for a quote, and please see the attached link to an article that can provide more info.