

Can you be born as a vampire?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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12y ago

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Of course not. Vampires are entirely fictional.

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Was renesmee born a vampire?

She was born a vampire-human hybrid.

How are vampire bats born?

Vampire bats are born out of the males mouth.

When does renesmee turn into a vampire?

she is born a half vampire

Can a vampire be born that is made with human parents?

well you might if you was pregnant and a vampire bit you then you baby would either A) die or B) be born a vampire

How did renessme become a vampire?

Renesme became a vampire by being conceived in part by a vampire. She was unique in that she was the first child born a vampire.

How do human turn themselves into a vampire without a vampire bite?

They can't. They must be born a vampire or be bitten by one.

What age are you when you turn into a vampire?

Any age, you can be born a vampire or you can be turned into one!

How can you stay a vampire?

vampires don't exsist truth be told if you were born or made vampire you stay alive as a vampire forever

Dose Bella's baby become a vampire?

No. She's born a vampire. She is a half-blood.

Will Bella become a vampire after her baby is born or before that?

Bella becomes a vampire after she has had her baby.

Can you make your sim alien and vampire?

Yes, your sim has to be born an alien, then get bitten by a vampire.

How do you become a half-vampire half-human without a vampire biting you?

Well, one of your parents has to be a vampire, one a human, so when your born your human-vampire hybrid.