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Q: Can you be charged for trespassing in a subdivision?
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What if a person is charged with obstruction and trespassing. are they felonies?

Trespassing is a Misdemeanor. Obstructing Justice can be either a Felony or a Misdemeanor depending on the offense that it is associated with.

What does a trespassing felony charge for a 16 yr old?

Check the paperwork onyour charge. Trespassing is VERY rarely charged as a felony offense.

Can you be charged with trespassing if no signs were posted?

If someone does not invite you to, expect you on, or want you on their property, yes.

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Can the foreclosed former owner of a condo be charged with trespassing on condo property in Florida after the new certificate of title as been issued to the bank?

Since trespassing is a legal matter, you are best advised to contact your local police authority if you either want a definition of trespassing or want to press charges of trespassing.

What is penalty for trespassing in Indiana?

Criminal trespassing is a Class A misdemeanor. It carries 6 mo. probation if you've not been in trouble before. My son was charged with it for burning his ex-gf's letters on the railroad tracks.

How do you use the word indictment in a sentence?

The indictment shows the defendant to be charged with two counts of trespassing, fleeing to elude, and felony battery.

Is swimming in the Reflection pool in Washington DC illegal?

There's not really a law for it, but you could get arrested and/or charged with trespassing and disorderly conduct.

Can you be charged with trespassing if someone lives there asked you to come over?

If the person who lives there has legal right to be there i.e: owns the house/business, member of the family that lives there, etc . . . then you cannot be charged or prosecuted

Our 19 year old stepson had his mother call the police on us and he is no longer welcome in our home. Can he be charged with trespassing if he enters our home?

If the 19 year old stepson came to your home and you invited him in or, you invited him over then it is not trespassing. Since his mother phoned the police there must have been a good reason and she and her stepson must have felt there was some risk between the two of you. No, he can not be charged with trespassing unless he barged into your home and past you without an invitation. Now that you have stipulated to your stepson you no longer want him in your home then he must abide by your rules and if he forces himself into your home then you can charge him with trespassing.

Can people be charged with Tress-passing if they come to your wedding and you never wanted them there?

Yes, its your wedding and if you don't want them to be there and they know you don't want them to be there then you can charge them with Trespassing.

If your sons basketball bounces and hits the neighbors fence and knocks a picket off can your son be charged with Criminal Mischief and Trespassing in PA?

Wouldnt that be called an accident.