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You can google it yourself, but as far as I know, Puerto Rico pretty much IS part of the USA. It's a possession, and so forth, but US laws apply (or I guess you could say PR laws apply to the USA, either would be correct), for the most part. So I'm not sure there actually would be an "extradition". PR is part of the USA, so can you extradite from within your own boundaries?

wikipedia says:

"Extradition for fugitives who are charged with a crime is commonly requested by state or county prosecutors. Formal interstate rendition will involve both state governors. Other procedures can involve waiving documentary formalities before surrender of the fugitive. Under the Uniform Extradition Act adopted in 48 states, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands (but not in Mississippi and South Carolina), there is a distinction between fugitives who were in the demanding state at the time of the crime and those nonfugitives whose prior presence is not so alleged. The first type is mandatory under the United States Constitution. The less frequent second type allows for some Governor discretion. These cases can involve bad checks or failure to pay child support but they still must be criminal matters."

I am just too tired to do it, but my next move would be to google "Uniform Extradition Act" and possibly add " +"Puerto Rico" " to the query. But it looks like PR is on the same page as the USA. So we each get the bad guys we've spawned, pretty much. We get ours back, they get theirs back.

Moral of the story? Google "Uniform Extradition Act" BEFORE you do dumb stuff and have to run off. If you're gonna commit to a life that could get you behind bars for the rest of your life in some really nasty hellholes, a few minutes in the comfort of your home beforehand will mean a world of difference. THEN go out and do the dumb stuff and get caught or shot, which is the only way this stuff ever ends up.

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