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Yes, you could be pregnant. To be sure see your doctor for proper diagnosis and treatment.

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Q: Can you be prego if you bleed and there is very little or no clotting at all?
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Does tongue piercing bleed?

Not often and if so very little.

How long does it take to bleed out if you cut the vein in your elbow?

The veins in your elbow such as the basilic vein and cephalic vein aren't very large so maybe you could bleed out in about 1 hour if the bleeding isn't stopped and blood clotting doesn't occur. Posted by Mr Wade.

What are platelets and what is their function?

Platelets are net fibers that cover wounds and stop the external bleeding and helping it heal

If you hit the back of your head hard enough to bleed but not fracture how likely is a serious injury?

Unable to tell, there are too many factors. Skin on your head bleeds heavily very easy. The skull does a good job of protecting the brain, but it can become injured from bumping the sharp areas inside. If one is on blood thinners, it can be very serious because they can have a bleed or large bruise that continues to enlarge due to the blood not clotting

Problems with nose piercings?

they usually bleed a little when you gt it done

Why is Hemophilia a very serious disease?

Hemophilia is a serious disease because you don't have the right proteins to clot up your blood( called clotting factors) If you cut yourself and you have hemophilia you could bleed to death if you don;t go to the doctor right away.

What do you do when your body is forming blood clots?

Well, if your blood is clotting the way that it should be, then when you bleed, you will not continue bleeding forever like people who have hemophilia. For instance, if you get a paper cut, you shouldn't be bleeding for a very long time and should see redness in the area. That means that the blood is rushing to the site and the platelets are trying to clot your blood. Soon, you will start to see a scab. Those are all normal signs of clotting. If you are concerned that you are not clotting at all or enough, you should talk to your doctor and he/she may recommend a blood test to see you platelet count. If it is too low, that may be why your blood isn't clotting.

I had a very early miscarriage last month now I'm 4 days late am i prego?

Most likely no. You have to start ovulating again before you can get pregnant again. After my miscarriage I was 10 days late for my next period. Your cycle will be very irregular at least for a little while.

How do you get a very very lose tooth out it to bleed as well?

wobble it

Why are platelets important to the blood?

platelets help in clotting they are very important

What is the answer to my riddle i got eyes but cannot see push me too hard and you just might bleed I am very useful though for a little so and so?

misterpotato head

What is the reason for very sore breasts im 43 and my period is 8 days late. i do not feel sick?

your prego fertil mertyle