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Q: Can you be sedated for a procedure if you have a cold?
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Is the laparoscopy painful how painful what are the risks its testing for endometrious sergical procedure?

no pain, you are sedated during the procedure

Is it safe to be sedated when you have a cold?

Sedated, or put under anesthesia? Sedation is probably safe, don't think anethesia is. Usually they wont do surgery if you're sick.

Can one be unsedated during a DNC?

No one can force you to be sedated during the procedure but they do it because it's painful. Speak to your doctor.

How do you spell sedaited?

The correct spelling is "sedated."

What is the liposuction procedure?

After the patient is prepped for surgery and sedated, the doctor will make a small incision and use a small, straw-like device to suction the fat out.

When was I want to Be Sedated created?

I Wanna Be Sedated was created in 1979.

Will you be sedated for a brain biopsy?

Yes you would be sedated for a brain biopsy

Will a sedated person wake up if they stop breathing?

No. They're sedated, remember?

Is it ok to have a colonoscopy with a head cold?

It is usually best to wait until you are well for any procedure. Inform the doctor who is scheduling your procedure of the cold and they can decide, based on your symptoms and the date of the procedure, if you should have the procedure rescheduled.

Why do doctors use sedation on patients?

To the best of my knowledge doctors use sedation on patients to make them sleep during an operation or a procedure. If patients were not sedated it would be very painful for them.

Can you work out after a root canal?

That depends on what type of dental work you had. If it was a surgical procedure, or if you were sedated for the procedure, then it would probably be best to wait a day or so before doing a heavy workout. And if you were sedated, or if you were given narcotic pain meds, DO NOT drive for the rest of the day.

How are horses sedated?

by a shot.