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Q: Can you become a shy person when you start hanging around with one?
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Possible if you are a friend of one of there friends start hangingout with them. Start hanging out around her.

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just start light conversation, but if that doesnt work start hanging out with mutual friends, they will eventually come around

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Do you know anyone he hangs out with? If so get to know that person better and start hanging out with his group. Soon he will wonder who you are and maybe he will like you back.

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You talk to them, and get to know them well. Then, start hanging out together and share good jokes and conversations.

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1. The person absolutely hates you. 2. The person doesn't exactly like you. 3. You and the person barely know each others 4. You start talking a bit 5. You become freinds 6. You become really good freinds and start hanging out together. 7. You start becoming more than freinds ( first few dates) 8. She or he starts to be your official boyfriend or girlfreind( few kisses maybe Hope this helps!

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Well, depending on how old, you can start hanging around girls, or stop hanging around the man. Try to get into new hobbies with your peers, as in, sports, music, etc.

How do you make friends with people ive known for a while?

Go and talk to the person start hanging out with him or her if they don't want to be your friend don't force your self on the person.

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You can start by not assuming that "being a great person" is all about sex.

What is the Best way to get with someone who doesn't know you?

Find someone that you know who knows that person, then have your friend introduce you two and start talking on the phone and computer and start hanging out. That's what I did and right now my life is pretty good with that person.

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Find her/him someone else or start hanging around with someone else and they'll probably take the hint.

How do you tell a boy you want to date him?

Well you have to find hints that he does like you and then you just start hanging around him more. Then, just ask him. :)