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Q: Can you become allergic to penicillin after having used it before?
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Dog had a shot of penicillin and now the leg is swollen and will not walk on it?

take it to the vet immediately, they are probably having an allergic reaction.

Is it ok for the mother to take penicillin during pregnancy if the father is allergic?

There is no reason from what you have said that there should be a problem taking it. Allergies are not inherited, so don't worry about your baby having an allergic reaction. However, you should only take anti-biotics that have been prescribed for you, and you should make your physician or pharmacist aware that you are pregnant before taking them

What do you do for a rash from new clothes?

You could be having an allergic reaction to the material. Try washing it before you wear it again.

Can an antibiotic cause swelling?

i think it is the body/bacteria. I had blood poisioning once and while in the hospital and on antibiotics a had spontanious and random swelling. My lip got big and ichy and on different places on my skin would develop and raised red blotch. i was given an over the counter for the swelling and the antibiotic was changed. Though this was the highlight of the swelling, leading up to my time in the hospital i noticed the same on my ass. It appeared and was gone quickly. It might have something to do with the body resisting it.

How do you spell elergect?

The likely adjective is "allergic" (having a medical allergy or sensitivity).

Can having no thyroid cause allergic skin reactions?

You can't breathe, headache, ur skin become Itchy and muscles become crack and after all u gonna die,,,,..... THE END ,,...<3

Can you have an allergic reaction to cactus quills?

Yes, you can have an allergic reaction to anything. You can even develop an allergy to things that you have previously never been allergic to before. If you think you are having an alleric reaction, take Benadryl if the reaction is not too severe. But if you begin having difficulty breathing, severe swelling, numbness, difficulty swallowing, etc... you need to get to a doctor or emergency room ASAP. If it is a serious allergic reaction, you can go into anaphalactic shock, which can be fatal.

Can your horse be allergic to bee stings?

Yes, and if you notice the horse having an allergic reaction, call the vet.

What is the spanish word for having an allergy to?

I am allergic to - soy alérgico a _____

Is penicillin effective?

You need to be more specific in what you're asking. Is penicillin effective against *what*? There are several types of "cillins" and two major types of "Penicillins". They are mainly used for Group A strep infections, (strep throat, tonsillitis) pneumoccocal infections (pneumonia) , rheumatic fever and some other systemic (in the body) infections (such as gonorrhea and other sexually transmitted diseases). Unfortunately, because people do not take their prescribed doses correctly and since doctors have been giving people antibiotics to people for colds and flu, which do not respond to antibiotics, a lot of the types of germs that ARE susceptible to antibiotics have become immune the "older" ones like penicillin. Now the phamaceutical companies have to come up with stronger, different types of antibiotics to kill these "super bugs" that have mutated and become resistant to drugs like penicillin. So...depending on what type of infection you have, penicillin may or may not be effective.

How do you know what has caused an allergic reaction?

Try to figure it out by process of elimination. First consider in the last week or two what you have eaten that you have not had before, or for a while. Then check to see if you are using a different brand of bath soap or laundry detergent. Think of anything that you have touched or consumed that is different from what you usually eat. If your reaction is gone, it may be what you ate. You could eat it again and see if you get the same reaction. But if you are still reacting, it may be something around the house. Start by changing soaps. Change or eliminate only one thing at a time so you will know when you find it. If you are still having trouble you can be tested for allergies at a dermatologist's office. Our systems change and we can become allergic to things that didn't bother us before. We can also stop having allergic reactions to things we were before.

Why would your dogs tongue swell and throat close?

It is having an allergic reaction--you can give a dog Benadryl--and take it to the vet before it can't breathe! Like now!