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Absolutely. In fact that's probably the time your most likely to fall pregnant if you have unprotected sex then

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Q: Can you get pregnant a day or two after ovulation?
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What is the percentage of getting pregnant a day after ovulation?

There is a high chance to get pregnant a day after ovulation because the egg which is ready to be fertilized can live 12 to 24 hours. Sperm can also live up to two to three days. There is high chance to get pregnant two days before ovulation, during ovulation and a day after.

Can a woman get pregnant the day after ovulation?


You make love 1 day to your ovulation can you get pregnant?

yes you can get pregnant

Can you get pregnant on the date of ovulation?

Yes, you can. The day of ovulation is when you are most likely to get pregnant. Take a pregnancy test if you then miss your next period.

If you ovulated on 100408 could you have conceived on 100908?

No, you cannot get pregnant five days after ovulation. In order to get pregnant, you must have intercourse before or the day of ovulation. But keep in mind, it is hard to pinpoint the exact day of ovulation.

Can you get pregnant if you got up right after he ejaculated in you?

Yes, you certainly can. Once the sperm hits the moisture in the female, it is not going to care much about gravity. It will swim its way toward the goal of the egg.

Is it not possible to get pregnant the second day of ovulation?

yes it is possible

Can a women only get pregnant two days out of the month?

No; there are a few days around ovulation when a woman is most fertile, but it is possible to get pregnant on ANY day of the month

How can you tell if you ovulate early?

Ovulation occurs about two weeks before your period. And during the time of ovulation is when you can get pregnant. So essentially ovulation causes pregnancy if the egg is properly fertilized.

Is it possible to get pregnant if you have intercouse two times a day when you are ovulating?

yes as ovulation is the time when the egg can be fertilized to get pregnant. the mores times you have sex during that period the higher chance you have of getting pregnant

Can you be pregnant on the third day of ovulation?

possibly ask ur doctor.

Can a woman get pregnant on the day of ovulation?

Ovulation is a one day thing. To get pregnant you need to have sperm inside of your body waiting for the egg or you need to have sex the day of ovulation and at the latest the day after ovulation to become pregnant. Keep in mind sperm can live 3-5 days in ideal conditions inside of the woman's body. However, once the egg is released (ovulation occurs) the egg is only able to be fertilized for upto 24-36 hours and then expires. To become pregnant your best bet is to have sex the day before ovulation, the day of ovulation, and the day after ovulation. You are, however, considered fertile up to 4-5 days before ovulation occurs...due to the fact that sperm can survive in the reproductive organs of a woman for a few days.