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Yes, if you do not have proper medical care. After delivering my stillborn son, the student doctor left my husband & I with our son to mourn, have him baptized & take pictures. Throughout this time my placenta had not been delivered, 5 hours later when my parinatologist showed up I was dehydrated, lethargic, my heartrate was tacky, my eyes were rolling back in my head, my veins had all collapsed & no one could start an IV, infection had set in, I had lost a massive amount of blood. Right there with my husband standing beside me, craddling our son, my doctor & three residents each took turns trying to manually grab the placenta & pull it out, finally in desperation my doctor asked for the D & C tools & did it right there & then without pain meds, without anesthia....I was screaming & writhing in pain. Then required a double blood transfusion! Make sure you have competent medical staff looking after you, and make sure the delivery is COMPLETE! Other than that a stillbirth delivery is the same s a normal delivery in terms of blood loss & healing. I recommend checking out The National Share Office Organization.....they are a support group for parents of loss.

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Q: Can you bleed a lot after a stillbirth delivery?
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Tests before delivery (antepartum testing ), such as ultrasound, the alpha-fetoprotein blood test, and the electronic fetal nonstress test, can be used to evaluate the health of the fetus before there is a stillbirth.

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A stillborn birth is the birth of a dead baby

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Pre 24 weeks = miscarriage post = stillbirth.

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In most cases the only symptom of stillbirth is that the mother notices that the baby has stopped moving.

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During pregnancy, listeriosis often causes miscarriage or stillbirth.

What is a stillbirth?

A stillbirth is when a baby is born still, or motionless. The baby is not alive, nor breathing. He/She has sadly passed away and is dead when born. After a stillbirth, the family has a proper funeral for the baby as well however they decide to carry it on.

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It would depend on where you were stabbed, but you would generally bleed a lot.

Is stillbirth a result of ectopic pregnancy?

No it is not.