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If you mean period wise the implant will either not affect your period or it will become heavier/lighter, less/more common :)

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Q: Can you bleed during implantation
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Do all women bleed when the egg is fertilized?

No, they bleed during implantation. When the egg is fertilized, it happens in the space of the fallopian tube. In a sense, the body doesn't "know" there's a fertilized egg until implantation occurs. There are no signs of fertilization before implantation.

What is an implantation bleed like and when does it occur?


Is it common to bleed at all after the implantation of the egg?


If you bleed for 3 days and do 2 tests that say positive. why would you have a bleed?

implantation, its normal..

How can you tell the difference between your period and implantation bleeding or what does it mean if you bleed lightly between your periods?

If you bleed lightly during your periods it is probably because you are ovulating. The difference between a period and implantation bleeding is that a period is heavier and lasts for longer and will need a tampon or sanitary towel, but implantation bleeding is light, not constant and only lasts about 1-2 days. You only need a pantyliner

If you bleed around the middle of your cycle can that be implantation bleeding?

It could be, yes.

How soon after you conceive can you get implantation bleeding?

Generally you will bleed ( 1/3 of pregnancies you get implantation bleeding) 6-12 days after fertilization.

Im pregnant and you were bleeding?

You don't say how far along you are or how much bleeding. Spotting is not uncommon and especially during implantation. If you are worried and bleed a lot contact your doctor.

Must you bleed during implantation?

No. With my first child I had not bleeding just cramping. So with this one I still have no bleeding just cramping.. so i will be waiting for another 2wks to test

Do you bleed the day of implantation or after- had sharp pains 7dpo and brownish discharge 9 dpo When could implantation have occurred if at all?

It is possible to bleed for days after implantation. If the blood is brownish, that indicates the blood is not 'fresh' and it turned brown before exiting the vagina. This could be implantation bleeding, as implanation usually occurs between 5 and 10 days past ovulation (but can occur up to 14 days past ovulation).

Does implantation have an odor?

When I was pregnant I didn't have any odor during the implantation time

Do you feel sick during implantation?
