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It doesn't make them "Blow up" You wont see any exploding pigeons. But Baking soda does to pigeons the same it does to humans if to much is consumed. It will cause the stomach to expand, due to the chemical reaction it has with stomach acid. It will kill the pigeon, of course. But you wont see any disgusting explosions.

There was a news report of teenage girl who downed as much baking soda as she could in order to kill herself, needless to say, it worked.

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15y ago

Yes they do, it took me a few days to catch one, finally when i did i feed it some breadcrumbs along with a few spoonfulls of baking powder.....waited...and waited and then he just fell over...died!

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13y ago

it could blow up a seagull if u r good at science.

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Q: Can you blow up a bird with baking powder?
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Can parrots eat baking powder?

I had a cockatiel once that really liked the cleanser I kept by the bathtub. It scared the heck out of me, but everytime I forgot to put it away the bird was back for more. Eventually, I gave up because I figured the bird would be already dead if it was that bad for it. Apparently it wasn't eating the stuff or it knew how much it could eat without killing itself. Baking powder is less scary than chlorine cleanser so if you're asking "If my parrot gets into the baking powder and tries to eat it, will it kill him?" the answer is no. I hope baking powder isn't something you would think of intentionally giving a bird, it isn't nutritious.

What caused the powder keg to blow up?

A Powder Keg will blow up on its own once the fuse runs out. In addition, using a weapon on it such as a bow or a bomb will cause it to blow up earlier.

Do you have to have baking powder to make biscuits?

Baking powder is important to use in biscuits as well as any other baked goods. This is because baking powder acts as a leavening agent which softens up the texture of whatever is baking.

Does the ingredient of baking powder have any harmful effect to humans in large doses?

Will make whatever your baking taste bitter.

What does baking powder have that baking soda does not?

Baking powder contains a combination of baking soda, an acid like cream of tartar and a moisture absorber like cornstarch. it just helps lift up what ever it is you are baking

Does soda and baking soda blow up?

yes and no.

Can Baking soda be use as your only baking powder?

no, no, no, no. you can not switch them up. if you do your baking item will turn out all wrong.

Is baking soda an alkaline or acid?

Yes. And if you add it too vinigar it makes smoke. You take a balloon and fill 1/5 of it with baking powder. You then only set the top of the balloon around a beaker filled 1/4 of the way with vinegar. Then hold the balloon up right and let the baking powder mix with the vinegar. It will blow up the balloon on it's own. It's actually pretty cool.

What happends when you put baking powder and water together?

It bubbles up, like baking soda and vinegar

Is baking soda and cooking soda the same?

cooking and baking powder are not the same because you use baking powder to puff up bread if you don't have any yeast and you use cooking powder to put in cooking like sups if you are silly anuf to no! you put cooking powder in like curry's and gravy by darcie 2299

How do you make vineger blow up?

maybe add baking soda