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Q: Can you break someone's finger using solely the strength of your gluteal muscles?
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Are there muscles in the finger?

Visually speaking, no you cannot. There are only tendons in the fingers, so it is impossible to have 'muscular' fingers per se. It is possible to have very strong fingers/grip, but this comes from forearm strength, not from finger strength.

Can a beachball jam someones finger?

No hell no

How many muscles to lift a finger?

There are no muscles in the human finger. The muscles that bend the finger are located in the palm and in the mid forearm, and are connected to the finger bones by tendons, which pull on and move the fingers.

What muscles move the fingers?

finger muscles :D lol

Why is the ring finger the weakest finger on your hand?

Because the muscles are tiny.

What movement of the skeletal muscle will make the bones move?

Muscles move bones only by contraction. The human finger for example... on one side of the finger is a set of muscles that extends the finger away from the palm and on the other side are a set of muscles that pull the the finger to the palm. Both work by a series of shortenings of the fibers inside the muscles.

What do you do if you finger someones butt and then they clench and your finger is stuck up their butt?

That cannot happen as faeces would act as lubricant

What happens when you put your index finger behind someones ear lobe?

you can faint

What scientifically is small enough to fit inside the ear canal?

Someones finger

What muscles do you use to flip someone off?

you finger muscles, silly goose

What is a finger bang?

This may sound horrible, but my friend told me that it is when a boy/girl sticks their finger up someones.... arse.... >.< I know, grose. But that's what she said.

How many muscles are in your index finger?
