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A common goldfish can be bred with a red cap oranda fish. When these fish breed, there is a definite courtship ritual.

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Q: Can you breed common goldfish and red cap oranda fish together?
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How do you breed red cap oranda fish?

Hi, can i ask you to take a look at you can see panda oranda goldfish being bred there

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Can you crossbreed fish?

yes it is depending if the fish gives burth to live young then its not possible !!

What do you get if you cross a panda and a goldfish?

The Panda Oranda is simply another line bred member of the Goldfish family and if you breed one with another variety of goldfish you will get some that look like Panda Orandas, some that look like the other goldfish and some that carry the genes of one but look like the other and vice-versa. You would be reversing the years of work that expert fish breeders have done in developing the Panda Oranda in one fell swoop and at the same time you would be producing cross bred worthless fish.

Can you put more than one goldfish breed in a tank together?


Can you put a orange goldfish in a tank with a grey goldfish?

godfish can be any color-not just gold. yes u can put them together if they r the same breed (goldfish)

Can goldfish breed when indoors?

Yes, goldfish can breed in the home aquarium.

What kind of goldfish should you get for your fantail goldfish?

Fantail goldfish are a hardy breed, strong swimmers and they compete well for food with the ryukin, shubunkin, comet or common goldfish; making these goldfish breeds good tank mates for your fantail goldfish.

When is breed season for a goldfish?

Usually Goldfish breed spring and early summer

What is the best time to breed goldfish?

In late spring of early summer is the best time to breed goldfish.

Will goldfish breed with koi?

Yes they can cross breed.

Where are goldfish breed?

my house