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I am assuming you mean on board a plane. Some airlines allow wooden or plastic crochet hooks, not metal, while others do not allow them at all. I would call the specific airline you plan to use and ask for their policy.

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11y ago

This appears to be a partial question, where are you wanting to bring a crochet hook and yarn?

My best guess is that you are asking if you can fly with a crochet hook and yarn (leaving 'sharp' and 'pokey' scissors elsewhere).

It does depend on where you are flying to and from. If you are flying within the US, the Transportation Security Administration (TSA), is where you will find the guidelines.

Looking at the TSA site (attached as a link), they only discuss knitting and needlepoint, and the site states that knitting needles and needlepoint equipment is okay for carry-on baggage--but cutting tools are not, so check those items. Crochet hooks are not mentioned.

I have heard (and my experience is), from other flyers, that hooks and needles aren't a problem. If you are worried about them making it through Security, then bring a hook or set of needles that you wouldn't mind leaving at Security--putting your "good" equipment in checked luggage.

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