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Q: Can you bring crisco vegetable shortening in a carry on?
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Where can you get solid shortening?

Probably at any supermarket - shortening is simply a food grade fat. Crisco is the most common brand - in some countries you may find Kremelta. It's called shortening because it is used to make 'short' pastry - that is, a pastry with a high proportion of fat and very little liquid. If a recipe calls for shortening you can substitute with the same weight of butter, margarine, lard or coconut fat. You can also substitute with the same weight of cooking oil but in that case you would need to reduce the volume of other liquid ingredients accordingly.

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farmers mostly carried vegetable's and fruits and grains

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Some airlines allow you to bring 7 kilos to 10 kilos of carry all bag, how about in British Airways? What is the weight to bring as your hand carry all bag?

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carry them? what do you mean?

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u cant bring hookah tobacco in a travel carry on bag because u can faint

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complete, end, terminate, conclude, finish, finish up, finish off, do, perform, execute, fulfill, consummate, perfect, cap, carry off, carry out, carry through, turn out, bring about, bring off, make happen, settle, effect, bring to an end, bring to a conclusion,

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Yes you can bring pop tarts on your carryon I am going to myrtle beach this mounth and i am packing pop tarts in my carry on

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