

Can you burn a candle inside a jar?

Updated: 9/23/2023
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10y ago

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For a short time with the lid on or for much longer with the lid off.

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Q: Can you burn a candle inside a jar?
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The temperature of a candle jar inhibits the growth of psychrotrophs, and the average temperature inside the candle jar is 30 degrees Fahrenheit.

What would happen if you lower a bell jar with the candle inside it withiut any air entering it?

The candle would burn off all the oxygen inside the jar, then the flame would go out as it needs oxygen to burn.

How does the size of the jar affect the burning time of a candle?

The Smaller the jar the less oxygen, the bigger the jar the more oxygen, and since the candle lives of oxygen the biggest jar with the candle in it will take the longest to burn.

If a plant and a burning candle are placed under a bell jar will the candle burn?

no it will not it needs carbon dioxide to burn, without it theres no way the candle will be able to burn

Will a candle burn longer in a large jar then a small jar?

In a large jar as there should be more oxygen.

Why the candle could not burn when gas left in the jar?

to burn, the candle requires oxygen therefore there must of been no oxygen

What are the uses of a carbon dioxide gas jar?

Carbon dioxide gas jar is a jar used to grow culture media. It contains carbon dioxide taken from candle flames burn inside the jar. Bacteria and other microorganisms are grown in this jar for further observations.

How an anaerobic atmosphere can be created in a jar?

If you burn a candle in the jar, it will use the oxygen as fuel and turn it into carbon dioxide. When the candle stops burning, the oxygen is gone.

Will a candle burn twice as longer in an inverted liter jar than in a half-liter jar?

Yes. There is twice as much oxygen in a liter jar.

What will happen if you put a jar over a burning candle?

the candle would eventually burn out because it needs oxygen to keep the flame going and when the jar is on top, no oxygen is getting to the fire

How big would a jar have to be to keep a candle burning for 5 minutes?

A sealed jar with a large candle inside a small jar would not last 5 minutes. A large jar with a small candle most likely would last 5 minutes

What happens when you put a glass jar on a candle?

a flame needs oxygen to burn so if you put a lit candle in a closed container (like a jar) the oxygen will continue to fuel the fire until there is no more oxygen and the candle will go out