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maybe only if LeBron James says yes hopefully i answered your question

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Q: Can you burn firewood today i heard of a law about calling or checking before we burn wood in our fireplace?
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Can you burn firewood today - I heard of a law about calling or checking before we burn wood in our fireplace?

It depends on what area you live in. If you have any doubts, contact your local fire department who should have the most accurate information. As for California, there are "no-burn" days in Central California. This is now the law in many other parts of the country as well.

What fireplace accessories are needed?

Some accessories you need with a fireplace include fireplace tools and a broom for sweeping. Make sure you have it cleaned out before you use it.

Fireplace Insulation ?

form_title= Fireplace Insulation form_header= Curl up by the fire once it is insulated. How old is the fireplace?*= _ [50] Have you installed insulation before?*= () Yes () No Have you done any other repairs on your fireplace?*= () Yes () No

How do you use fireplace in a sentence?

Example sentence - The logs burned warmly as they sat before the fireplace and discussed their future together.

What year was the electric fireplace was invented?

As stated before, my grandmother had an electric fake fireplace in the mid-70s or perhaps before. Original answer in need of revision: Tehnology for electric fireplaces or fake flames was around since 1981. But first electric fireplace was introduced in 1988 by Dimplex.

How do you turn on the fireplace on club penguin?

While you are editing your igloo click and drag the fireplace and before you set it down press up. you can make it light up and make the fireplace a different color by pressing down.

What do children hang over the fireplace before Christmas night?

Children typically hang stockings over the fireplace before Christmas night in the hopes that Santa Claus will fill them with gifts and treats.

What is the best wood-burning fireplace insert?

You can find wood fireplace inserts by searching online or at any of your local home improvement stores. I would recommend checking online to see the different price ranges though before heading out to the stores. That way you can have more of an idea as to what you will be spending.

How old was elizabeth you when she was crowned?

try checking the question before you give the answer (witch is the wrong one) try checking the question before you give the answer (witch is the wrong one) try checking the question before you give the answer (witch is the wrong one)

Should you close flue when gas fireplace not in use?

Yes- but open before use.

How long should an electric fireplace last before needing repairs?

Five years.

Before the tradition of hanging up stockings what did dutch children hang on the fireplace?
