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Q: Can you buy a gun while in drug court?
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Can you buy a gun with a misdemeanor in ca?

Depends on the misdemeanor. While most are NOT a disqualifier, a misdeameanor conviction for domestic violence or for illegal drug use CAN be a disqualifier.

What is a disqualifying misdemeanors to buying a gun?

You may not buy a gun in the US if you are an unlawful drug user, or have been convicted of domestic violence.Crimes of domestic violence, being an unlawful drug user.

How does a simple possession charge in South Carolina affect someone in Virginia?

Cannot buy a gun for 1 year from conviction date or 1 year from a positive drug analysis done by court/ police etc

Can you buy a gun while on probation for a DUI in Georgia?

You will need to consult with a lawyer and your probation officer.

Can anyone buy a gun in Ohio?

No. You must be an adult, a resident of Ohio, and may not have been disqualified from possessing a firearm (adjudged mentally incompetent, convicted of a felony or domestic violence, being a drug addict, etc) Oh- you also need the money to buy a gun.

How do you get a new chamber in gun bros?

In xplodium exchange? Simple! Just buy one by clicking the "buy" button, while still loged on in gamecentre.

In the game stalker call of pripyat how do you get the rg-6 gun?

you can buy it from owl after a while, or from hawaiian if you side with duty

Can you buy a gun in Sims 3?

No you cannot buy a gun on The Sims 3.

Can you buy a gun in IN with a drug charge?

If the charge is still pending or you've been convicted, the answer is no - not just in Indiana, but anywhere else in the United States, as well.

How does a fifteen year old get a real gun?

You have to be 18 to buy a long gun and 21 to buy a hand gun.

Do you take a drug test to get a gun permit?


Who was the great tenor saxophonist who was arrested in Seattle after a folied attempt to demand narcotics from a drug store clerk while pretending to have a gun?

Stan Getz