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No you can't.

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Q: Can you buy a house on Build-a-Bearville without a bear?
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How do you get credits on buildabearville?

You have to go to one of the many build a bear shops and buy a bear and clothes etc. Then type in your recpit code on buildabearville and you get your credits walla! If you want to know your nearest store then go to Hope I helped!

A code to anything on Build-a-Bearville like a furry friend or an item?

The only way to get a code for a bear is to buy a bear from your local build a bear workshop and get the code from the bottom of the birth certificate and enter it into build a bear ville and you get the bear that you bought. Btw, I am emilycheerbear on buildabearville. If you want you can send me a friend request and I hope I will see you on buildabearville!

How do you get credits by playing games in build a bear?

first buy a bear then go to enter it at the person in the front desk on buildabearville you got your bear and you get 4 credits or 5 but can't get thousand

Redeem build a bear ville store credits?

if you want more buildabearville store credits go to your buildabear shop and buy cloth or another bear and then you will have more credits

How do you enter store credits on build-a-bearville?

when you buy a bear you can buy credits at the build a bear workshop store. then do to the workshop in buildabearville then click on the assistant behind the counter and then click on codes and then you type in the your code hope this helped =)

Buildabear animal id and keycode?

you need to buy a bear and on the bottom their it will say animal id : ,then it i wll say key code : then you will put the code in and your bear will be announced to buildabearville

What are Build-a-Bearville store credits?

When you buy something at the buildabear workshop,you get a receipt code. When you enter the code you get store credits in buildabearville. You can buy items with your credits at the bear boutique.

How do you get bear boutique credits for buildabearville Do you get them when you buy clothes for your buildabear Please answer?

You need to buy real stuff at the local build a bear workshop store to get the credits.there is a code on your reciept.It will help you get a credit. Go to for details.

How can I buy clothes on Build-a-Bearville if I threw away the receipt?

For bear boutiqua a receipt code but for pawlete confur boutiqua you just need bear bills which you can ern by playing games in buildabearville.

Can you get a cub condo without a bear on build a bear?

no but you can play around and trade but u cant buy furniture but you can have clothes and go in others cub condo to have a house you have a bear

Please Give me an unused buildabearville animal ID and key code?

=No one is going to give you a Animal ID and a Key Code. I have a bear at BABV. Trust me, Buy your own bear. Save money. Just buy a bear and you don't have to buy clothes for it but I do. The lowest pirce bear is $10 only! So asked your parents to drive you there or buy you one! Don't waste your time searching for Animal ID's and Key Code!!=

How do you buy a beach house on Build-a-Bearville?

You have to have 10 Bear Credits to buy a beach house.To do this you can buy 10 Bear Credit cards at your local Build-a-Bear or buy 10 items for your bear at your local Build-a-Bear store