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You might be able to if there were some kind of genetically modified chickens... But I can't imagine it has been made possible.

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Q: Can you buy eggs that have no yolks in them?
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How many eggs yolks in 150 grams?

That is approximately 7.5 yolks from Large eggs.

How many eggs in 150 grams?

That is approximately 7.5 yolks from Large eggs.

How many calories in 2 egg yolks?

There are:216 - 220 calories in the yolks of two large eggs..

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What happens to the yolks of eggs when they go rotten?

they go brown and stinkin

Know any egg jokes?

Eggs don't have jokes; they have yolks.

Does laying double yolks reduce number of eggs a hen will lay in lifetime?

No, but some people breed specifically for chickens that lay double yolks.

Are eggs with yolks different from eggs with chicks?

All eggs have yolk. Fertilized eggs will have a little white circle on the yolk. Unfertilized eggs will have an oval instead of a circle on the yolk.

How much do egg whites cost?

Same as eggs, you just separate the yolks.

What is the main nutrient in egg?

Eggs are high in protein. BUt the egg yolks does have chlorestrol.

Do all breds of birds eggs have yolks?

Yes. It is often not the case, though.