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How do you buy a fertile egg? a fertile egg cant be taken away from the mother very long because then the egg isn't warm the chick will die. You can on the other hand hatch them yourself but you must have a chick incubator. they have to stay warm to stay alive! just like us humans

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Q: Can you buy fertile eggs to hatch yourself?
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if you mean eggs you buy in a store, then no, because these eggs were conceived by the bird without male fertilisation.

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Can you hatch eggs from a supermarket?

No.They can only be hatched by their real bird mother or they will die.A:No. Eggs purchased in the store for consumption are not fertilized and cannot be fertilized.

Do you eat fertilized or unfertilized eggs?

It is important to know what is being consumed. When a person eats eggs, they are suppose to eat unfertilized eggs, as a fertilized egg with have some formation of an animal in it.No. Most eggs sold today are from large egg producing facilities and there are no interactions between hens and roosters. Most of the egg producing hens have never and never will see a rooster. The only time you may get fertilized eggs is if you buy from a local farm and unless you incubate the eggs you would never know you are eating a fertile egg. There is no discernible difference between a fertile and non fertile fresh egg.Yes, there is really no difference nutritionally between fertile and non-fertile eggs. Unless the egg has been incubated for several days there is no visual difference either. Farm fresh eggs are more often fertile than not. Store bought factory produced eggs are never fertile.The chicken eggs we eat are unfertilized. Actually some are fertilized. It depends on what type of egg you get. But after they have been refrigerated they will not hatch.

Are store brought chicken eggs fertile?

Yes, but eggs purchased from grocery stores are almost never fertile unless they are farm fresh organic eggs. The eggs you buy from local farm stands are most often fertilized eggs since most farmers keep a rooster with the flock. Fertilized eggs are not distinguishable from non-fertilized eggs either visually or by taste. Unless incubation has occurred the regular consumer would never know one from the other.

Can a chicken egg hatch if you just got it from the shops?

Commercial chicken eggs you buy in the store are laid by hens that have no contact with roosters, therefore, you won't be able to hatch anything from them. Also, the fertile egg is only good for about 17 days. If it's not warmed by a hen or an incubator within that time, chances are that it's not viable.

Will hermit crab eggs hatch if there pets and the female was going to have eggs already when you buy them?

Sadly, no they will not. Only one person has been able to successfully breed hermies in captivity as they need the ocean in order fr their eggs to hatch. While a female may be able to have her eggs fertilized in your tank and even lay them in the water dish, they will not hatch.

How do you take care of an abandoned chicken egg?

If you want it to possibly hatch, then you should buy an incutbator or a hen. It is probily not fertile, though