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Since a "Cow" is a female their is no such thing as cow elastration. Yes, you can use the elastrator method on any size bull, but the younger the better. The tetanus and penicillin shots are not necessary because no skin is being broken that might invite infection. Banding is a way to castrate a bull by cutting off the circulation to the testes and making them gangrene.

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Q: Can you castrate a yearling by cow elastration?
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A young cow is called a heifer, and a young bull is called a young bull or a yearling bull if it is between the ages of 10 to 18 months of age.

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There is no such thing as a yearling cow. A cow is a mature female bovine that is over 2 years of age that has already had a calf. A yearling is a young bull, steer or heifer that is around one year of age.

Does a butcher cow need to be castrated?

No. Technically a butcher cow is an old cull cow (mature female bovine that's been sold off a producer's main herd due to undesirable faults that make her not worth keeping), and as such doesn't need to be castrated. Butcher bulls don't need to be castrated prior to slaughter, since it'll be more stress on the animal to castrate (thus affecting the meat) than to not castrate.

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Le Yearling

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The Yearling was created in 1938.

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A yearling. Bulls are yearling bulls, heifers yearling heifers (or just heifers). Steers are often just called steers, sometimes yearling steers if you want to be more precise.

Is a yearling female?

A yearling can be a male or female. A yearling, as defined by wikipedia, is an animal that is a year old.

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How many teeth does a yearling filly have?

A yearling filly has 24 teeth.

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The duration of The Yearling - film - is 2.13 hours.