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No, that is one of the many old beliefs that people had before there was scientific information about the cause of a cold (viruses). This was also thought, before viruses were able to be visualized and identified by scientists and doctors with an electron microscope, to be the cause of pneumonia and influenza. We now know that all of these are caused by infectious organisms and not by being cold, wet, in a draft or other similar old beliefs that have now been proven incorrect.

Moms and others will still say (often from habit) what their moms and others said to them, "Don't leave that window open or you will catch your death of pneumonia," but it is just to show concern and love, not to indicate scientific fact. Just close the window, give them a hug and a thank you, and then wash your hands to get rid of any viruses that can cause you to get a cold. See the related question below for how to wash your hands to remove pathogenic organisms.

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11y ago
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10y ago

I think you may if you are exposed to a virus and the drafty window lowers the ability of your immune system to fight the virus.

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14y ago

It depends on the weather condition, if its winter or autumn, the you'll be likely to get a cold.

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11y ago

No just either a soar throught or sllight conjestion of the nose.

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11y ago

Yes, I can.

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Q: Can you catch a cold from a drafty window?
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When Abigail Adams lived in the White House, it was not yet finished. She described it as cold and drafty.

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Yes, a person can catch cold in a desert if he/she is exposed to a cold virus.

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It is more commonly said as "catching a cold" when referring to becoming sick with a cold. So, the correct phrasing would be "Did you catch a cold?"

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You can potentially catch a cold from anyone.

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When you catch a cold it is most likely you contracted it from what?

A cold is a virus and you catch it from someone else or by touching something someone else has touched. This is why you should wash your hands a lot during cold season. You do not catch a cold from being cold.

When you catch a cold it is most likely you contracted it from .?

A cold is a virus and you catch it from someone else or by touching something someone else has touched. This is why you should wash your hands a lot during cold season. You do not catch a cold from being cold.