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you can get an std

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Q: Can you catch anything from getting a tattoo using dirty needles?
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Can you catch AIDS from sharing needles?

An example would be HIV/AIDS which is a non-curable disease and pretty much a death sentence, no offense. You should nevershare a needle with someone else, because there's always a chance that you can catch a disease unless you know the full background of that person. But all in all, I recommend you don't do it.

What does ink do to your skin?

It depends on what type of ink your talking about so let's start with the tattoo ink tattoo ink stays on forever and if you do get a lot of tattoo's you can catch a an infection or something like that. Now for the pen or marker who can catch ink poisoning for it more quicker than tattoo ink it can give rashes and they can be very annoying ata some point of so basically all ink is even the octopus ink

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They can catch the flu from their owners. They can pretty much catch anything that people can catch.

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Catch in golf doesn't mean anything

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It means your bacons gonna be hard to catch O.o noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo LOL

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One of the main Kind is Christmas trees. sometimes the needles fall on hot lights and catch on fire.

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Anything. You keep trying until you catch it.

Can two clean gay men catch anything?

yes, they can catch the gAIDS

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