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Yes you can. If you tip the bottle upside down so the opening is at the bottom it's easier to catch the bugs since their instinct is to go upwards not downwards to get out.

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Q: Can you catch lightning bugs in a bottle?
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Can you catch lightning in a bottle?

you will die

How did Benjamin Franklin use lightning to catch electricity in a bottle?

To my knowledge Benjamin Franklin did not store lightning energy in a bottle. There were capacitors called Leyden flasks at the time which could store electrical energy.

Do female lightning bugs eat male lightning bugs?

yes they do

Do lightning bugs drink water?

do lightning bugs drink water

Are lightning bugs all over the world?

Lightning bugs, or fireflys, are found on every continent.

Do lightning bugs make their nests in the ground?

No, lightning bugs do not eat grass. Lightning bugs eat snails, worms, pollen, and flower parts, and other insects. The insects must be chopped up for the lightning bugs.

What is the ISBN of Catch the Lightning?

The ISBN of Catch the Lightning is 0812551028.

Can you keep lighting bugs in a jar?

While it may be tempting to catch lightning bugs in a jar, it is not recommended as it can harm the bugs and disrupt their natural behaviors. It is better to observe them in their natural habitat and enjoy their beauty without causing them any harm.

What bugs can you find in Montana in October?

Lightning bugs and love bugs! Ladybugs.

How do you catch the yellow bug by the deku tree on zelda wind waker?

You have to use an empty bottle to catch a Forest Firefly. They glow white and brighter than the other bugs.

What are the Bugs of light in the sky i see?

Lightning Bugs Maybe?

When you catch lightning bugs where do you put them?

Take a peanut butter jar lid poke about 6 holes in the top. Then take the jar outside and find lightning bugs. When you find one, put it in the jar. P.S. make sure your holes aren't to big cause then they will fly out of the jar.