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It is barely possible. Tapeworms are passed through the fecal-oral route - the eggs are shed in the feces and then eaten by the next host. If your cat cleaned herself around her tail and had some eggs still around her mouth, then while licking the spoon left some of the eggs on the spoon, you may have ingested them.

It is important to note, however, that the tapeworms of cats and dogs are not the same tapeworms that infest humans. You would be an aberrant host to the feline tapeworm, and a true infestation would be uncommon.

It would probably be a good idea to take your cat to your vet and see how much it would cost to get the tapeworms cleared up. Your cat can suffer from anemia, malnutrition and starvation if the tapeworms get bad enough.

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Q: Can you catch tapeworms from sharing food off the same spoon as your cat who does have them?
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Can you catch tapeworms by sharing food off the same spoon as your cat who does have tapeworms?

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