

Can you change into a werewolf if you want to?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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12y ago

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,no. we are human beings liing onplanet earth.werewolvs are for the movies

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Q: Can you change into a werewolf if you want to?
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How do you not become a werewolf?

if you are a werewolf you can not change back to humam -_-

How can you make a potion to turn you into a werewolf?

to turn into a werewolf wolf

What is a werewolf called that can change whenever it wants to?

What you are thinking of is not a werewolf, it is a shape-shifter. It depends on how advanced they are as shape-shifters to how many animals they can turn into. Either that or you are thinking of a lycan, which can change whenever they want to, not when they are forced to do so like werewolves are.

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Can a werewolf change doing a full moon doind the day?

A werewolf can change at will any time of the day and during any phase of the moon. If a werewolf was forced to change or could only change during a full moon, werewolves would not be commonly heard of.

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No, but I am a werewolf...

You want to become a werewolf?

yes i do

What is the difference between lycans and werewolves?

Apparently Lycan inherit their condition, being in a line of descent from King Lycon unless there bitten from another Lycan which soon after they will inherit it. They seen to lack the rage of the typical werewolf and can change on demand. With the werewolf they still have part of a human body and not as strong and have to change on a full moon. While Lycan's are stronger and fast with no apart human body look.Lycans are born into being a werewolf, only they are not proper werewolves if you like the originals, as lycans can choose when they change, werewolves on the other hand are born human, but then turned into a werewolf by another werewolf, and they change when the moon is full or whenever the change occurs, depending on which stories you want to believe are true.

Do you have to eat something to become a werewolf?

no you change

How do you make a person a werwolf on the sims 3 supernaturl?

When you go to make your sim, in the basics, there will be options for what you want your sim to be. It will show a werewolf, vampire, fairy, witch, etc. Simply choose the werewolf option and your sim will be one. If you have a human and want it to be a werewolf, you could cheat and use control shift c then type testingcheatsenabled true and you shift click your sim to edit them and choose the werewolf option. Or, you may be able to get another sim that's a werewolf to change your sim, though I'm not certain

How do you create a werewolf pack on the Sims 3 Supernatural?

In CAS select 'supernatural type' and change it to werewolf.

How do you become half vampire and half werewolf?

Well first you have to actually find both a vampire and a werewolf, then you have to get to know the vampire well enough for them to want to change you, then they'll change you. Then you have to wait until the werewolf you've found turns into a wolf, and then you have to get its attention so it'll cut/scratch/maul you. And there you go - now your a vampire-werewolf. Odd combination. Good luck. Oh, and make sure you don't get murdered brutally in the process, could be quite painful.