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Once the wave has left the source that generated it, the frequency can't be changed.

If you happen to be moving toward or away from the source at a high enough

speed, then the frequency of the radiation may appear to you to be changed.

But it's not.

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Q: Can you change the frequency of em wave?
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Is there any way to change the frequency of an EM wave such as applying a force or agent or secondary wave rather than just generating a new wave with the desired frequency?


What two properties of a em wave change as you move from one part of the em spectrum to another?

frequency and heat. (Color can change, too)

How is the frequency of an EM wave related to it's energy?

The higher the frequency of a wave, the higher its energy.

How does the wavelength of a wave change when the frequency changes?

Usually with electromagnetic waves, the frequency and energy is opposite to the wavelength. An EM wave such as radiowaves have huge wavelengths, slow frequencies and small amounts of energy. An EM wave such as X-rays have tiny wavelengths, fast frequencies and large amounts of energy.

Is it possible to create an EM wave with a frequency that changes e.g increases or decreases over time?

No. The frequency of an EM wave depends only on the source, and cannot be altered once it has been emitted.

How can you change the frequency of a wave?

You can't. Once the wave leaves its source, its frequency doesn't change.

How would you classify an Em wave with a frequency of 10-12 m?


What is the frequency of an EM wave that has a wavelength of 1 mm?

If only there were an equation that related the speed of EM waves, wavelength, and frequency... c=(wavelength)(frequency) Make sure and keep your units straight.

How does the frequency of a wave change when the period of a wave is doubled?

The frequency is the reciprocal of the period. If the period is doubled, the frequency will change by a factor of 1/2.

How does the speed of light depend on the wavelength?

The equation relating the velocity, wavelength and frequency of an electromagnetic wave is given byv=f λwhere v - velocity of the em wavef - frequency of the em wave andλ - wavelength of the em wave------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------It is so important to know that velocity of light depends on the nature of the medium and does not depend on the wavelength.

What is the unit of measurement of EM wave frequency?

Seconds for wavelength, and inverse seconds for frequency also known as hertz. Hz

What to properties of EM waves change from one end of the EM spectrum to the other?

Wavelength and frequency :)