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Yes, but make sure you do not overcharge the battery.

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Q: Can you charge a car 12 v battery on 16 amps?
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Are there different 12 volt chargers for batteries of different amps?

no you can get different amp chargers but they will charge any battery the higher the amps the faster the charge but it is better to charge a battery slowly so you shouldn't charge on very high settings any 12vdc car battery charger will charge a 12vdc car battery

What setting do you set your charger on to charge a car battery?

I would recommend a slow charge of 10 amps at 12 volts.

How long to charge a 12 volt battery at 2 amps?

It takes between 8 and 12 hours to charge a 12 volt battery at 2 amps. The actual time will depending on how much charge is in the battery initially.

Can i use a home charger that has 3to 12V300mA output to charge my car battery at home?

No. The charger for a car battery has an output measured in amps. You have an output measured in milliamps. There are 1000 milliamps to 1 amp. Way too small.

How Long To Charge 12 Volt Battery?

On a car battery? on most battery chargers there are three settings trickle or something around 2 amps which will take a good 12 hours to 24 hours a second for small batteries which is a few more amps that could take anywhere from 6 to 12 hours and a fast charge which is even more amps and anywhere from 1 hour to 4 hours, also some chargers have a start option which cranks over a car so the alternator will charge it correctly, the trickle charge is the best charge but will take the longest

How many amps do you need to charge a 12 volt battery?

the time it takes to charge a battery is governed by the amps the higher the amps the quicker the recharge time. Excessive charge rate will 'cook' the battery and it will be scrap.It might even explode and cover you in acid.Use a proper charger and check the correct charge rate for your particular battery.

When charging a car battery what amps should it be at?

It depends on how long you can let it sit before you need to use it. If you have 8 to 10 hours then a setting of 2 amps is appropriate. For a quicker charge then 12 to 20 amps is recommended.

How long does it take to charge a 12 volt battery at 1.5 amps?

8 hours

Can 5v charger charge a 7.5v battery?

yes it just takes longer to charge, but check how much Amps (A) your charger gives out and how much Amps your battery can take if the battery has lower Amperage (A), don't do it, otherwise you're fine. <<>> No, the charging unit has to have a higher output that the battery voltage that it is charging. For example, on a 12 volt car battery the charging rate is 13.5 volts.

How many amps and volts in a car battery?

modern cars use a 12 volt battery. Amps depends on the battery. Common sizes range from 500-800 cold cranking amps.

Can you use a 12 amp charger to charge 6 amp battery?

You can charge a 12 volt battery with a 6 AMP charger. The amount of amps put out by the charger is actually the rate which the power flows out from the charger, not the amount of volts it will charge. Volts and Amps are two different things. You can't charge up a 12 volt battery all the way, using a 6 volt charger. You can charge a 12 volt battery with a 12 volt charger rated at '6 amps'. It will charge the battery faster than a 2 amp charger will, but it will take longer than using a 12 amp charger. You probably don't want to use anything higher than a 12-16 amp charger for charging a 12 volt battery. Some chargers are equipped with a 60amp boost charge that is used for starting the vehicle, without having much of a charge in the battery. You DO NOT want to attempt charging a battery with it set to a 60amp boost charge. That is for starting vehicles only and could damage your battery. Keep in mind that the lower the amps are, that you use to charge the battery (1-2amps), will result in the charge lasting longer without recharging it, than if it was charged up at a higher setting (12-16amps).

How long to charge a 12 volt battery on slow charge with a 30 amp charger?

I doubt the charger is putting out 30 Amps on a slow charge. need more info on battery and charger.