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This is a concern many people have and we wanted to find out for you, exactly what the United States' rules are in regards to this. This information is only for driving or airplane trips, not for traveling on cruise ships or trains.

First thing is first; if you are driving and staying in the USA, you need to find out the restrictions of the state you are planning to stay in. Go to State Restrictions on our website. It might be against the law to carry a Taser, pepper spray, Mace or stun gun in the state you are going to. Your weapon could be taken away from you by a police officer or you might get a hefty fine for carrying one. If you are crossing the border to Canada or Central and South America, you need to find out the restrictions of the country you are headed to. Border patrols most likely will confiscate your self defense product from you. No they won't keep it for you, until you get back through, it's a goner!

If your plans are to travel by air, the same restrictions apply as mentioned above. But when on an airplane, there are also other considerations you need to keep in mind. The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) has certain guidelines that need to be followed when boarding a plane with your Taser, pepper spray, Mace or stun gun. Airplanes prohibit self defense products from entering the cabin area, period. You cannot carry-on weapons on a plane, they must go through Check-in, along with the other luggage that ends up on the bottom part of the airplane.

Besides making sure your self defense product is not carried with you into the cabin, there are also certain conditions the TSA has, for accepting your Taser, pepper spray, Mace or stun gun on board. All stun device weapons must be inside a protective package, box or pack. This is to make sure that for instance the Taser, doesn't shoot out the probes and somehow injure a poor puppy that might be nearby or damage other people's luggage! If taking pepper spray or Mace spray, the TSA does not allow containers larger than 4 fl. oz. Any container detected that is larger than that, will be taken from you!

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Do you have to charge a new stun gun?

Yes, it is recommended to charge a new stun gun before using it to ensure that it has sufficient power for effective operation.

Do you need a permit for a stun gun in Florida?

You do not need a permit to carry a stun gun in Florida.

Can a person carry a stun gun in Arkansas?

Yes, you can carry a stun gun in Arkansas. They are perfectly legal.

Are stun guns legal in Delaware?

Yes, it is perfectly legal to use a stun gun in Delaware.

What happens when you stun gun metal?

If you touch a stun gun to metal, the electricity will travel through it. For example; one of the conveniences of having a stun gun is that if you touch a metal door knob with a stun gun, it will shock a person who holds the opposite end of the knob! You can easily stun a person if they are trying to get into your house by using the front door knob...

Is a stun gun legal in Spain?

No. Stun guns are not legal in Spain.

What is the punishment for having a stun gun but proved it hadn't been used but is in possession of a stun gun?

Nothing. The only way to get busted with a stun gun is if you are in possession of one where it is illegal. <a href=>List of Stun Gun Laws</a>. The only other way you could get in trouble for using a stun gun is if you used it in a manner not needed for self defense. In that case you''d be guilty of committing a crime. So you should be fine unless you were in possession of a stun gun in a place where such possession is illegal.

Is a stun gun legal in Texas?

Yes, stun guns are legal in Texas.

What stuns your growth?

A stun gun.

Can a stun gun disable a car?


Stun gun in NJ?

It is NOT legal for citizens to carry stun guns in NJ.

Is stun gun legal in China?

Yes, stun guns are legal in Tennessee.