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Yes you can. Even though your the one that swerved & caused the wreck your also the one that was trying to avoid the accident & hurting something. Which then caused your wreck. So if you hadn't swerved to miss the deer you would have hit the deer & been in a wreck anyway, plus you would have hurt the deer. So your wreck was inevitable, it was going to happen no matter what. Yes you can claim it, because you were actually trying to avoid an accident. Hope my answer helped. Good Luck!

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Q: Can you claim for a car accident injury for swerving to miss a deer?
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Is this how you spell swirving?

No, that is not right.The spelling you are looking for is swerving.Some example sentences are:We ended up swerving around a deer in the road.He was caught by the police dangerously swerving around a corner.

Do i have to report a Deer car accident to police in kansas?


Does deer eat worms?

Only by accident, if one is hiding in a lump of grass that the deer is eating. Otherwise, deer don't eat worms.

Can I get Pain and suffering compensation from deer accident?

Yes you should

Can you have an accident without anyone's fault?

If you hit a wild deer no one is at fault.

In evermore what did ever do to cause the accident?

Ever didn't do anything. Drea caused the accident by making a deer run across the road in their path.

Does car insurance cover you if a deer hits you?

Answer it will if you have full accident insurance Answer only if you have full coverage. Actually, it depends on whether or not the deer was in a pedestrian crosswalk. If it was, then your insurance will cover you as stated. However, if the deer was not in a crosswalk, then the deer's insurance will be liable.

Does a deer eat mud?

Yes on accident while it is trying to eat grass. lol

Do deer eat sedge grass?

Deer are herbivores (chiefly plant eaters). If they ate a grasshopper, it would have only been by accident.

Will deer chace you?

my mom died in a wild deer accident, it bucked her off while she was riding it and she hit her head on a tree in the forest. and then she was eaten by wild wolves

Do you have to report a deer accident in Missouri?

That's up to you. If i were you though i would just leave it alone.

What happens if you tell the insurance company you swerved to miss a dear but really you swerved to miss a out of control car?

Doesn't really matter because the fact is you swerved to miss SOMETHING. Although if you make the deer claim where deer don't reside then you might have a problem there and if it's discovered there was no deer your claim could be denied.