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If she was a full time student during at least 5 months of the year and did not provide more than half of her own support and met all of the other usual qualifications for claiming a dependent, yes.

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Q: Can you claim your 22 year old dependent who is still in school?
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How do you claim 18 year old still in high school?

Just claim one more exemption as a dependent. You can claim up to 25 if they go to college in many states.

Can you claim a grandparent as dependent on taxes?

You can claim them if you provided for the person the year you want to claim him or her.

If you claim your 16 year old as a dependent can they still file taxes?

Yes, there will be directions on the correct steps in your tax booklet.

If a college student earns 3000 in a school year can the parents still claim her as a dependent on their income taxes?

Yes...presuming they meet all the other dependency tests. The student cannot then claim a dedcution alos, although one isn't needed in this casse.

How did someone claim an incarcerated person as a dependent last year?

If the incarcerated person was not incarcerated for the entire year, he was still an eligible dependent. Also, if the incarcerated person is under 18 and the parent's provide his support while he is incarcerated he can also be claimed as a dependent.

Can you claim your child's medical expense if it is his fathers year to claim him?

No, medical expenses for a dependent can only be claimed by the person who is claiming him or her as a dependent.

If a father or mother sign over rights can they still claim their child on taxes?

No. It depends on when the TPR became final. If the child resided with the parent or a parent for the entire tax year then they may still claim said child as a dependent.

Can you claim your 95 year old mother as a dependent?

Yes, if she is your dependent. There will be factors to determine if you can but the answer is yes it is possible.

Can I claim head of household if this year I can not claim my child because his father claims him in even years?

If your child lived with you but you did not claim it as a dependent you can still file head of household. You have to list the child's name and social security number on your return.

If someone last year carried my child as dependent on their tax return can someone different carry her next year without anyone getting audited?

As long as the child is genuinely the dependent of a new person, that person can claim them as a dependent for that year.

If a baby is born in August can you claim him as a dependent for that year?

Yes. My baby was born in September 08 and I am able to claim him on my taxes this year as long as I have his Social Security Card.

If a child turns eighteen during tax year can you still claim them?

If you provide over 50% of their financial support, they are under 25 and in school you can.