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Green tea will NOT help weed is NOT water soluble so it needs something to cling to, which is your fat cells. it depends on how much you smoke, your metabolism and how big you are.

if you smoke everyday then my recommendation is to stop because THC can stay in your system for 3-4 months if you smoked a lil bit and you have a screen in like one week, like me then the best way is to exercise and piss as much as you can before the test eat red meats also vinegar/bleach/niacin or anything does not work!! only time can decrease your THC levels.

now some people just get lucky and weed does not stay in there system very long

the normal time for an active person with a high metabolism is 2-3 days now the THC that is stored in your fat cells can stay there up to one month, even longer time is the best way to pass!! if you drink bleach or vinegar your asking to get really sick! exercise and eat red meats such as steak, hamburger anything like that, water is not going to help, it will help you urinate a lot so its possible you may be able to flush your system, depending on how much time you have before your screen. drinking a lot of water is dangerous because it is possible to die from water poisoning.

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