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Q: Can you continue receiving unemployment even if you have a part time job?
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Adults who have been unemployed for six months are usually required to join New Deal if they wish to continue receiving benefit?

Yes, if a person is receiving unemployment benefits they may be required to join and attend different things to continue receiving those benefits. The purpose of this is to weed out the people who are receiving benefits and not willing to do their part to find a job.

I recently had to file for medical,they stated that i had to file for unemployment because i was considered part time where do i go from hear?

You can't get unemployment if you are working, even if it is part time.

What is a Unemployment rate?

Normally in the U.S. the unemployment rate is measured by the number of people filing for and receiving unemployment compensation. However, many failed to find employment before their unemployment compensation expired, or they had to settle for part-time employment or a job that pays less than that for which they are trained and experienced. The determination of the true unemployment rate involves the endeavor to count those people as well.

You collect SSDI and was also working part time can you collect New York state unemployment insurance?

Just an FYI: When there's any change in status, you should contact the NYS unemployment ins. agency. Their number is listed on their website. While SSDI is not a financial-need program, it assumes you are considered disabled enough not to either work or continue doing what you used to do when you collect it. In my situation, SSDI encouraged me to continue applying for jobs (I did) while I waited to be approved. However, once approved I notified NYS U.I. and they've requested I fill out a questionnaire/form describing why I can continue collecting unemployment while collecting SSDI. If you do not call them, they may ask to be paid back. If I can continue to collect U.I. (pending their review), I will notify SSDI of the payments I'm receiving. Unemployment insurance is generally based on State law. However, you can apply for and collect unemployment insurance benefits because SSDI is not a financial-need-based program, while unemployment is. Therefore your SSDI should not affect your eligibility for unemployment benefits in New York.

Can you collect unemployment if you quit your part time job that you were collecting partial unemployment with for a full time job and then are fired?

There are too many variables in your question for a definitive answer. Your state, work history for the full time job, benefits remaining for the older part time job, qualifications for receiving benefits, etc.

Can you continue to receive unemployment from Florida if you move to another state?

The Unemployment Compensation provisions have undergone many changes through the years; and, the procedures for qualifying for eligibility have been revised as well, varying in one manner or another from state to state. The best resource you have is the local unemployment office for the state in which you now reside. If it is different from that where you were laid-off, you are still considered unemployed until you attain employment status; and, if you expect to be considered eligible for benefits, you need to meet their criteria, the first part of which is registration. It is not customarily a mandatory provision for receiving unemployment benefits that you refrain from changing your residence to anywhere other than out-of-country or prison, in which case you would no longer qualify.Interstate Unemployment BenefitsYes, you can continue to collect benefits from the state in which you originally filed your claim. Unemployment benefits are not public assistance, you worked for it, it is your money.Your new state of residency does not pay the benefits, they will come from the state in which you were eligible, but you will still need to follow the requirements for eligibility.Contact the office of the state agency that handles unemployment benefits in the state where you relocate as soon as possible to avoid a delay in receiving your benefits.

What is the receiving part of the brain cell?

The dendrites are the receiving part of the neuron.

Can you be cut off unemployment benefits because you were not looking for a job?

Yes, because part of the requirements are that you continue looking for a full time job and you report each week what jobs you applied for.

Can you get unemployment if your employer has cut your hours back to part time?

If your "part time employment" is a result of reduced hours at a formerly full time job, most states allow the change in terms of your employment to be justification for receiving partial unemployment benefits. If you have been working part time all along, then most states would not consider you eligible.

Can i file a unemployment claim if i only worked part-time?

You can file an unemployment claim if you only worked part-time only if you meet the job-searching requirements of your area.

Can you work while on unemployment in Oklahoma?

Yes, you can work while receiving unemployment if the amount is less than the benefits received. This can be in the form of part time work or reduced hours from your current employer. The formula employed is determined by the state's employment security office. for more information, see the Related Link below.

Can you receive commission and continue to receive unemployment?

If you report your employment, where you receive your commissions, to the employment security office, they'll advise you as to if you are still unemployed or if it is part time employment, which is allowed in some jurisdictions.