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If you have 2010, then you can open it and save it as a 2010 workbook. It won't open with Excel 2003 after that though so you cannot have the benefit of the extra rows in Excel 2003. That is one of the reasons for using 2007 or 2010.

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Q: Can you convert an Excel 2003 spreadsheet to 2010 to add more rows?
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For detailed information on how to connect tabs in Excel 2010 spreadsheet visit

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Formulas that work in Excel 2010 will work in any of the older versions of Excel. The main difference from 2007 onwards is the way Excel looks. Fundamentals like how standard formulas are used never changes. It is still a spreadsheet. If they cannot do those standard things then they are not really spreadsheets.

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You would use a - to subtract a number on a spreadsheet

How do you convert xlsx to xls?

If you have Excel 2007 or 2010, you can do a Save As to save the file in Excel 2003, which was the last version that used the xls extension. If you do not have those, you can try Open Office or Google Docs or download and install FileFormatConverters.exe from Microsoft Homepage.

Write an essay on Microsoft Excel?

Microsoft excel is a spreadsheet program developed by Microsoft corporation. There are different version of Microsoft excel with the latest being Microsoft excel 2010 which is boundled with Microsoft office 2010. Microsoft excel contains basic features of which all the spreadsheet programs have. It has worksheets which are a grid of cells. The grid of cell is arranged in rows and columns with the rows being referred to with numbers and rows with alphabetical letters. Microsoft excel has many wonderful features to offer the small business user. Excel is mosyt widely known for its spreadsheet function, though it has numerous other uses. Spreadsheets are useful to any type of small business. For example, spreadsheet can be used as an accountant's ledger or a professor's grade book. Invoices and budgets can be prepaired with excel and one might use it to balance a checkbook as well.

What is the last column letter in Excel 2010?

That depends on the version. Up to version 2003, it was row 65,536. From Excel 2007 onwards, it is row 1,048,576.

What is the extension for an Excel file?

.xls for 97-2003 and .xlsx for 2007 and 2010.

How can you keep the leftmost zeros in a cell when using the LEFT command in Excel 2010?

Convert it to text.

What is the total number of rows in Microsoft Excel 2010?

In Excel 2010 the number of rows per worksheet is 1,048,576 and the number of columns is 16,384 which is column XFD. That makes 17,179,869,184 cells.

What number does excel remembers the last actions you have completed?

Excel (2010) can remember the last 100 actions you completed.