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of course you can then you know it is coming. <[- REAL

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Q: Can you cramp with no period a day late?
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Have cramp 5days but you should your period on May 5?

:) your period might just be late or you might just be pregant !

Your period is 3 days late and you have been slightly cramping for about a week Could you be pregnant?

when you miss your period, and if you are pregnant, does your body still cramp like it does when you are starting your period?

2 weeks you been having cramp feelins in your stomachand your period is late are you pregnant?

you posibly could be pregnant or about to get your period. it could also mean you are having a misscarrige.

What if your period is a day late?

A day late is nothing. If you go 4 weeks with no period take a pegnancy test.

Is it normal to have menstrual like cramp but not on period?

You can also cramp during ovulation.

Could you be pregnant at 42-43 if you're period is 42 day late?

Yes, it is possible to be pregnant at 42-43 years old if your period is 42 days late. Late or missed periods can be an early sign of pregnancy, and it is important to take a pregnancy test to confirm if you are pregnant or if there are other reasons for the delay.

1 day late and the next day have light spotting?

If your period is one day late and the next day you have light spotting, it could be the beginning of your period. It is quite normal for the first couple of days of your period to be light.

How late does your period have to be to determine if you are pregnant?

You can take a test the day after you miss a period

Can your period be late if you have protected sex a day before your period?

Your period can always be late whether you have sex or not. You are not likely to be fertile on the day before your period, and the fact that you used protection gives you even less reason to worry.

Does it affect your cyle if your 1 day late puttin the nuva ring in?

If you're a day late inserting nuvaring, you may have a different timing of your period. Putting it in a day late also increases your risk of pregnancy, so tkae a pregnacy test if your period is late.

What does it mean if i have a period with no cramps?

A cramp free period means you had no cramps, nothing more.

Do you count the first day of your last period to see how many days you are late?

Yes. From the first day of the last period you had - count forward 28 days (or when you expected to start). Day 29 would be 1 day late.