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Ermine are wild animals, and as such they are classified as exotic pets. Some state and local governments prohibit people from keeping exotic pets; others require special licenses, and sometimes a liability insurance policy in case the animal attacks another person. To learn whether ermine are allowed in your area, contact your state wildlife department or the department of fish and game for more information.

The ermine, a type of non-domesticated weasel, is a vicious carnivore, and does not make a safe pet.

If you find ermine appealing, you may enjoy owning a ferret, a cousin of the ermine that is smaller, but similar in appearance. Ferrets come in many different colors, so it is possible to find one that's white or nearly white.

Ferrets have distinct personalities and make playful, fun and loving pets, particularly if spayed or neutered.

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10y ago

No, you cannot cross breed an ermine and a ferret

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13y ago

In 1978 a Russian did breed a ferret with a mink, called a "khonorik". It was discontinued because the animals had a bad temperament and were difficult to breed

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What is the difference between a mink coat and ferret?

a mink coat is from the mink animal. Ferret fur is called "Fitch Fur" for clothing

What does ferret evolve into?

a ferret does not evolve it is its own creature. it has relations like the pole cat or mink ext.. but it does not evolve :)

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A mink, an animal similar to a ferret or a stoat.

Is a ferret related to a stoat?

I don't think so, but ferrets can interbreed with wild polecat ferrets. In Russia, a hybrid was created of a ferret and a European mink, named "Khonorik". Its parents were a hybrid male of a polecat ferret (wild x steppe) and a female of European mink, making it a hybrid of three species. Later on Khonoriks were bred from a thoroughbred wild European polecat ferret and European mink.

Is bunny and a ferret the same size?

A ferret can weigh about 2-4 lbs. A bunny can weigh from 1-5 lbs. It depends on the breed of the ferret and the breed of the rabbit, but it is possible.

What is the best bread of ferret to have for a pet?

There is only one breed of domestic ferret.

How do you breed a dark eyed white ferret?

see related question below that might help answer your question How do you know when a ferret is ready to breed?

Which is better to be a pet between ferret and mink?

a ferret but get one as a baby not one that has been hunting and is slightly older because you could get bitten( but you could get bitten by a minks as well):)

Does your male ferret need a Jill?

If your male ferret has not been altered and is in season, if you would like to breed him, then he would need a Jill ferret.

What is a small white rodent that looks like a mink?

the closest thing to a mink would probably be a long-tailed weasel in it's winter coat but not of size Further answer Maybe you mean a ferret

What are the name of small breed cats?

maybe a mink cat there kinda small.

What animal is related to the mink and is used for hunting rabbits and rats?

The Domestic Ferret has been used for centuries for hunting rabbits (ferreting - still practiced in Europe) and rodent control (until chemical poisoning), and is related to the Mink