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I assume you mean in order to indicate that you HAVE been using Vicodin?

If so, then no it wouldn't work. They don't test for the drug iteslf, they test for the metabolites that your body turns the drug into as it processes it. So if you put the original in the sample, even if its tested positive in the initial urinalysis, they would know somethings up because there would be no metabolites when they GC/MS'd it for comfirmation.

Just take even one half of a Vicodin, like a good 8 hours before the test. It is dectable after 2 hours of injestion, and doesn't become undetectable until 36-48hrs. So you're right in the window. If you have a test the next day, just pop one ore a half right before you go to bed.

Hope this helps,


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12y ago

im not sure but i did crush half a hydro once and mixed it with urine and it came up as positive so my guess is its the same we should find out by Friday and ill let u kno

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What does suboxone show up as on a UA?

Standard urine drug tests used in medical and employment settings do not usually test for Suboxone's active ingredients (buprenorphine and naloxone) or any of their metabolites. This means Suboxone will not show up on standard drug tests. Suboxone will not show up as any opioid. However, special tests such as gas chromatography can be conducted on urine samples to look for buprenorphine, the active ingredient of Suboxone. If the lab specifically looks for Suboxone or buprenorphine, it will come up positive as buprenorphine.

Does Buprenorphine show up in a drug test?

It has been my experience that Suboxone will not show up in a strret drug test.

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Suboxone contains an opiate drug, and will show positive for opiates.

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How do you test positive for methadone but negative for benzo?

Good luck w that! The only way I kno is to find clean urine then adding the methadone to it. Therefore when tested it is only positive for methadone. This works, I have done it to pass a many.

Will suboxone show up in a urine drug screen that is specifically testing for suboxone?

Where you dropped on your head frequently as a baby?

Can suboxone give a false positive on a drug test?

No it will not. On your standard urine text the buprenorphine nor the naloxone witch make up the suboxone will not.register for any of the drugs they test for. If it is a test they are sending out to a lab it will show up but they usually have to be looking for it .. it will not show up as a opiate tho

Will suboxone create a false positive for methadone?

No, each requires its own specific test. Methadone will only show up as methadone and suboxone will only show up as suboxone.

Does Suboxone show up in military drug tests?

Yes. Suboxone contains buprenorphine (and naloxone), and is in the opioid class of medication/drugs. It will test positive for opiates on a simple urine drug screen test. The person above me is an idiot, buprenorphine doesnt show up in any standard urine drug screen, it must be specifically tested for. As far as the military testing for buprenorphine, im currently in the process of finding that out for myself, so far the general concensus is no, but dont take my word for it.

Can suboxone test positive for codiene?

No, suboxone will not show up on a regular 8-panel test as an opiate or anything else. There is a test for suboxone, but it must be specifically tested for.

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