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Q: Can you customize the BC Rich mockingbird on guitar hero warriors of rock?
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What kind of guitar did cc deville play?

Bc rich mockingbird.

Which was Slash's first BC rich electric guitar?

either a warlock or a mockingbird.. im very sure its a warlock first.

Is the bc rich mockingbird a good guitar?

depends on the series of it, dont expect much out of a bronze series one for example.

Are bc rich guitar worth buying?

the mockingbird model is pretty cool. i personally am not into them but a lot of metal players like them. and the craftsmanship is fine

What guitar should you buy you have 600 pounds and have been looking at the bc rich mockingbird st any suggestions would be helpful cheers?

Either a Les Paul or an Oristacrat

What guitar brand does Jake Pitts use?

Jake plays Schecter and B.C. Rich guitarsSchecter Diamond Series Hellraiser C-1 Elite (appears in the music video for Perfect Weapon)B.C. Rich Mockingbird Pro X (appears in the music videos for "Fallen Angels," "The Legacy," "Rebel Love Song," and "Coffin")B.C. Rich Mockingbird STB.C. Rich Jake Pitts Pro X Mockingbird

Is the BC rich mockingbird good please rate out of 50 is it cheap?

theres many series of this guitar , so it can be as cheap as 200$ Canadian to much higher than that depending on whats on it and stuff.

What guitar did slash use to record appetite for destruction?

gipson les paul repleca ========== Not even close. His current main guitar is a Gibson Les Paul copy which, according to a 2007 issue of Guitar & Bass Magazine, was made by "Max Guitars" in Los Angeles. But Slash didn't acquire that guitar until he started recording Appetite for Destruction. He wasn't even a Les Paul player before the album -- his first Les Paul was given to him because Slash had said that his older guitars had sounded horrible when he tried to record with them. Slash had played a Jackson before that, as well as a B.C. Rich Mockingbird. He's been quoted as saying that his current B.C. Rich Mockingbird was B.C. Rich's attempt at giving him a guitar like the one he had played early in his career.

Is a Bc rich good?

I own a BC Rich and I feel it is a good guitar. It has a strong body and neck and I play heavy metal on it. It is a good guitar

Which was Slash first electric guitar when he was in Tidus Sloan?

He had A red B.C Rich electric guitar

What is a good electric ryhthm guitar?

A cheap LTD or BC Rich guitar, all depends on what you play and your guitar gods use

How much is a B. C. Rich Mockingbird 40 Lashes worth?

300.00 +