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Q: Can you cut a large potentially dangerous tree on your own lake front property when your town ordinances don't allow it?
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Can you shoot a bb gun in tn?

Many city ordinances will allow you to shoot a bb gun on your property as long as the bb does not go beyond the property boundaries.

Is it against the law to allow someone to live in a travel trailer on your property?

That is dependant on local ordinances. Some communities do allow, some do not.

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There are often ordinances and laws that allow a landlord to specify whether they will rent or allow felons to live on the property. Also, the lease should have that information.

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The different melting points of the metals would allow separation by heating the mixture to a temperature where one metal melts while the other remains solid, enabling them to be physically separated.

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Generally, it is against town ordinances to allow trash to build up on any property since it creates an unhealthy situation that attracts vermin and devalues surrounding properties. You should report the trash buildup to your town building code enforcement department.

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You don't. What you're talking about is potentially lethal, and the laws of lethal force do not allow it to be used to protect property. Someone gets zapped, you'll be the one charged with a crime.

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I don't know if city ordinances allow it, but I have a pet marmot, which I feed with greens and roots.

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That depends on local ordinances. Some jurisdictions will allow it, and some will not.

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In most cities there are ordinances against having livestock in the city. Some will allow a pet pig.

Can I keep a goat in my garden at home?

Check your local ordinances on livestock and therein lies your answer. Keep in mind that most municipalities will not allow it.

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When it is acquired during marriage, especially in a community property state. Separate property states allow certain property to remain separate and not subject to division in a divorce.When it is acquired during marriage, especially in a community property state. Separate property states allow certain property to remain separate and not subject to division in a divorce.When it is acquired during marriage, especially in a community property state. Separate property states allow certain property to remain separate and not subject to division in a divorce.When it is acquired during marriage, especially in a community property state. Separate property states allow certain property to remain separate and not subject to division in a divorce.

Can a landlord allow a trampoline on a rental property?

They can, they don't have to.