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Vitamins are naturally occurring compounds present in most foods. The human body cannot produce vitamins and therefore has to acquire them from external sources: diet or supplements.

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Q: Can you describe vitamins
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How do you say vitamins in Hindi?

Jeevansattva is a good word to describe vitamins

Which describe the role of vatimins?

The role vitamins play in our everyday life is for some a supplement, for others they just take them to be sure they are getting all there vitamins needed for the day.

What is the term used to describe the intake of vitamins and minerals that is 10 times the recommended amount?


Describe your body's requirements for vitamins and minerals?

The human body needs vitamins and minerals in order to function. These give necessary fuel to the body to allow all the systems to work.

What things are important in children's vitamins?

A proper balance in your vitamins is most important. Your doctor can better describe exactly what your child's dietary needs are, but generally a brand such as flint stones is very well trusted.

What two classifications are used to describe vitamins?

Fat-soluble: Vitamins dissolve in fat, and they are stored in fatty tissues in the body (Vitamins A, D, E, and K) Water-soluble: Vitamins dissolve in water and are not stored in the body

What is the purpose of the kiwi?

Kiwis do extraordinary in Vitamin C and dietary fiber and describe wellness benefits. This tart fruit can boost heart health, digestive health, and immunity. The kiwi is a strong choice of fruit and is rich in vitamins and antioxidants

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what vitamins that i get in pomelo

What are the vitamins from canned pineapple?


What are some good arthritis vitamins?

There are several vitamins that can help arthritis suffers. The B vitamins, C vitamins, K vitamins and E vitamins are all helpful. You can get information at

Does Cyber Vitamins sell all natural vitamins?

Cyber Vitamins is a great website to buy many types of vitamins and supplements including all natural vitamins. The great thing about cyber vitamins is they guarantee all their products.