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Q: Can you determine sex of sperm with IVF?
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How can you determine a sex of a pregnancy?

The only way to control what sex the baby will have you have to have a IVF at the clinic. There is no natural way to control this.

Can womens eggs determine the sex of baby?

No, it is the sperm that determines the sex of the baby. Sperm carry either an X or a Y chromosome, and when one of them fertilizes the egg, the resulting combination will determine the baby's sex (XX for female, XY for male).

Why does the father ultimately determine thesex if the baby?

The sex of a child is determined by the father because the genes that determine sex come from the male sperm.

My wife and i would like to have a baby, but what is the ballpark cost for egg & sperm extraction with IVF?

The IVF procedure typically includes egg and sperm extraction. A single cycle IVF typically costs around $10,000.

How much is IVF including removal of sperm?


How can you get pregnant in long distance?

Well it can't happen the natural way by having sex. There are ways to safely send sperm so when you get it you can have it inserted by a doctor or have it done by IVF.

Who determines the sex of the baby in humans?

The father determines the sex of the baby in humans. Sperm cells contain either an X or Y chromosome, and the sperm that fertilizes the egg will determine the sex of the baby. If the sperm carries an X chromosome, the baby will be female, and if it carries a Y chromosome, the baby will be male.

Does the egg determine the sex of a child?

No, the egg is from the mother and can only carry the X chromosome (since the mother is XX). The sperm will be either X or Y (since the father is XY), and will determine the sex of the child.

Does one testicle produce males and the other females?

No, both testicles are responsible for producing sperm that contains genetic material to determine biological sex. The sex of an individual is determined by the chromosomes present in the sperm that fertilizes the egg.

Is it possible to determine the sex of a cell donor by examining the cell?

Yes, by examining the DNA of the cell, you will be able to determine if the donor was male (XY) or female (XX) based on the sex chromosomes. You will not be able to determine the sex of the donor by the appearance of the cell - the only way is to determine what sex chromosomes are present. Unless the cell is a sex cell, in which case sperm cells are easily distinguished from ovum/eggs.

Could you get pregnant by a tampon?

No, obviously you cannot get pregnant by a tampon.In order to get pregnant you need sperm to fertilize an egg, sperm normally comes from a penis - thus to get pregnant you'd either have to have sex or have IVF. A tampon is not a penis, a tampon cannot contain sperm, and using a tampon is not sex - thus you can't get pregnant by a tampon.

Does the male or female determine the gender in humans?

It is the x or y chromosome in the sperm of males that determine the sex of the baby. The woman carries two x chromosomes and the sperm either carries another x (a girl) or a y (a boy).