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Some salamanders can be poisonous and harmful to your body. Others are just fine to eat but they may make you feel sick and you may vomit. I saw that this was posted in "cats" so I would guess that your cat ate the salamander? If so, your cat should be fine because a cat's stomach can handle substances such as a salamander because it eats many things from the wild such as mice and birds!

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Q: Can you die form eating a salamander?
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What is a salamander afraid of?

Penguins are the natural enemies of a salamander due to their halitosis caused by eating too much tuna. The salamanders will do almost anything to avoid penguins, including hiring polar bears as body guards.

What do baby salimanders eat?

The Fist week of life baby salamanders Eat their own shell. After the first week The salamander Starts eating small animals like Brine Shrimp and Plankton. The Week following that depending on size the Salamander can start eating mosquito eggs, insect larvae and tadpoles. At the one month mark the Salamander should be fully grown and can begin to eat the same diet as an adult.

Will a salamander die if taken out of hibernation?

Yes they will die because they need a certain time of sleep to servive the next year

Why animals get nutients by eating or by eating orther animals?

If the question is why, they get nutrients from eating so they don't die. If the question is how, they get nutrients from eating animals the same way you get nutrients form eating animals,fruits,and vegetables. Research the food chain for a better unserstanding.

How do you spell salamander?

That is the correct spelling of "salamander" (a type of amphibian).