

Can you die from a stomach virus?

Updated: 8/11/2023
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14y ago

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No, you can not die from ANY virus, not even HIV. No virus can kill you as they need the host to survive. However you can die from complications due to a virus, for instance people think they can die from Swine Flu, this is impossible, but when your immune system is weakened from the virus, some people will develop pneumonia (a bacterial infection of the lungs) and from that you can die. Also if you have any other illness at the time eg Heart disease, cancer, lupus or something like that, a virus can weaken you and that first illness can kill you. Ignore the hype, swine flu, bird flu, HIV, the common cold, influenza etc are not fatal. You can not die from any virus, not today not tomorrow it is not possible..

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14y ago

No only if its not treated or you dont drink much fluids or eat much food but there is a 1 in a Million chance dont worry

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A virus forms in you're stomach. It it's a computer virus, then try a higher source of answers.Hope I helped! ;)

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