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Q: Can you die from drinking someone elses blood?
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No one can predict someone elses death, so that is unknown.

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Vampires do die, but not completely. They die then come back in someone elses body, the are called a host when they are body-less. So no, they don't die.

Can you die from gluttony?

Someone can die of gluttony by eating and drinking too much which is not good for the health.

Can someone be addicted to blood?

Yes someone can be. But if it was not your own you could DIE.

How can you die from gluttony?

Someone can die of gluttony by eating and drinking too much which is not good for the health.

Can someone die by being touched?

yes because if you have a blood clot there you could die

Why cant people have wolf blood?

Because if someone puts wolf blood in you could die

How do you know when someone will die?

-when heart rate deacreas and blood pressure deacreases

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they all die from farming and drinking blood from the river (XD losers....)

How many teens die a year from drinking and driving?

far too many of them. approximately 8 out of 10 teens do die if drinking and driving whether it be them, themselves or them killing someone else in an accident. There are far too many of our children dieing from this.

How many teenages die every year from drinking?

No teenagers die from drinking, only from over drinking or abusing alcohol.

What is the survial rate of someone who had BAC?

Blood Alcohol Content : the higher it is, the sooner you die.