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Q: Can you die from eating a daddy long leg spider?
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Can a daddy long legs spider venom kill you?

No, you can't die from either the daddy long leg spider or the daddy long leg itself

What do you feed a daddy long legs spider?

The Daddy Long Legs is not a spider but a fly, more correctly known as a crane fly. Adult crane flies feed on nectar or they do not feed at all. Once they become adults, most crane fly species exist as adults only to mate and die. Unless of course you are referring to the cellar spider which is also known as the daddy long legs spider which traps and eats insects like most other spiders.

How do you kill daddy longlegger spider?

get a pesticide/ spray and spray it and it should die x

Do daddy long legs carry poiseness venom?

Some people say that they can't bite you because they have long legs, and if they did bite you, you would die. But I have seen someone get bitten by Daddy Longlegs and survive to tell the tale. The answer is it can kill something it's own size, but if you mean humans... than no.

Get rid of a daddy long leg spiders in the house?

There are many ways: The most humane one would be to just squash them (if you spray they die a slow death) but most fly/insect sprays will do the job.

What do daddy long legs live?

There are a number of creatures that are called 'Daddy Long Legs'. The most common one is the spider that lives in homes, often on the ceiling, with a very small body ranging from 2 - 10 mm. The legs can be up to 30 mm. The two that are less common are the Harvestmen spider with a 7mm body and legs that are 14 cm long, and the Cranefly, an insect, can grow up to 60mm.

Are daddy long leg spiders poisonous to humans?

Yes, technically a daddy or grand daddy long legs spider is venomous and could be dangerous especially to a baby. The spider has very small fangs that can puncture the skin but very rarely bites a human.

Has any one died from a daddy longlegs bite?

yes if you swallow a daddy long legs you could die

Cesar Millan and Daddy did daddy die?

no daddy the male pull dog did not die

What kind of spiders do white tailed spiders eat?

It is actually called the white tailed spider. Like most venomous spiders, it primarily feeds on other insects, even other spiders. Because of the likeliness of its prey being common household insects, it does pose a risk in many places of Australia.

When did Spider Subke die?

Spider Subke died on May 13, 2013, in Long Beach, California, USA of heart attack.

What is the most poisionous spider?

The Sydney Funnel web spider is the most dangerous. the Goliath spider is not dangerousThe "Black Widow". It is an all black spider with a red hourglass shape on its underside. One bite and you will die within and hour. It injects so much venom in one bite that it can kill 6-7 adults.