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Yes you can. It is important to stay hydrated and use the restroom frequently while being on E.

Yes you can. It is important to stay hydrated and use the restroom frequently while being on E. The best thing however is to not do drugs (obviously)

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Q: Can you die from falling asleep while on ecstasy?
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Is it true if your spouse fall asleep first they will die?

No. Well, they'll die eventually, as we all will. But they falling asleep first won't cause them to die any sooner.

What percentage of people live if they fall asleep while driving?

About 80% of people who fall asleep behind the wheel die.

How many people die a year from people falling asleep at the wheel?

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, drowsy driving is a factor in more than 100,000 crashes, resulting in 1,550 deaths and 40,000 injuries annually In other words, 1,550 people die from falling asleep at the wheel in one year.

How did homer die?

He fell asleep and couldn't wake up while he was "busy".

How many people die a year from falling asleep in a bath?

The National Safety Council reported in 2000 that the number of deaths by drowning and submersion while in or falling into a bath-tub was 341. A complete summary of common causes of death can be found in the related link.

What it do if you sniff Ecstasy?

you die

Is there a way to die peacefully?

Some people die in their sleep without any trauma or traumatic reaction whatsoever. Freezing to death is about as easy a way to go when you're not asleep. You are cold for a while, then you go numb, and then go to sleep and drift off. There aren't much better deals around. Also, I heard that there is this type of medicine that they use on patients who are suffering pain. It is like the same as falling asleep.

Did John Smith die by a disease?

No. John Smith was aboard a ship that exploded with gunpowder while he was asleep.

Why is it illegal to fall asleep under a hair dryer while at a salon in Florida?

because u will die

Can you go to hurricane harbor while on ecstasy pills?

no you cant go because it will increase the roll and you can die and cause your mom can find out!! :)

Never took ecstasy. I am a female that weighs 90lbs. Can I take 4 pills at once or could I die right away from that much?

People don't die from taking ecstasy. They die from being dehydrated while on ecstasy. As long as you keep fluids in your system, you should be fine. Although 4 pills seems like a lot, take 2, and save the other 2 for another day.

Do people die in mid air while falling from great heights?

Yes, people can die in mid-air while falling from great heights. They can die from oxygen deprivation if the height is large enough. They can die from extreme cold if the height is large enough. They can die from heart attack, stroke, or some other complication of terror.